Reflection about Visual Information and Media and Media Information Literate

Visual Information and Media and Media Information Literate

Visual Information and Media

     Using visual we got the information faster, it made easy to understand than the textual. Like for mathematical situation we couldn't understand how to get that situation if we do 't use a numbers. 
    Visual media or information it usually use for the signing image to better understand the things without more expressing your thought. Visual information can includes photography, motion picture photography, video or audio recording, graphic arts, visual aids, models, display, visual presentation services, and the support processes. Using visual to inform other or to share what are they message, 65% of your audience are visual learners, 93% of human communication is non-verbal, 90% of all  information transmitted to our brains is visual, 80% of people remembered of what they see, while 20 % of people remembered of what they read. For that situation most of people can learn faster and remember by using visual.

Media Information Literate

    Having a incomplete knowledge for the the things how to spread information to other it's disadvantage for the media information literate. Once we communicate and to be part in one complecated situation we may call our selve as a literate of media information.
    Our brains depend on information to work optimally. The quality of information we engage with largely determines our perceptions, beliefs and attitudes. It could be information from other persons, the media, libraries, archives, museums, publishers, or other information providers including those on the Internet.
