Reflection about Text Information and Media and People Media

 Text Information and Media and People Media

Text Information and Media
        Text is another information that can spread/share to other and to know the readers what is the message all about. Text media are data or information sources which exist as references in textual, numeric, or similar formats.
         Actually there's types of text we used daily or read to know,  what information it is and we don't know that text are one of the type of text. Text is another way to store and share information. The elements of text information and media it helps to your sentence or the word that you to emphasize or more attractive to viewers or readers and it better to understand because of the decoration that may you put in.

People Media

         People media they are the people who have  learned first the media and share what they have learned to or information and they are also share to people who don't any idea for that things or situation.
        On this topic I learned that there are 2 types of people media, the peolpe as media and people in media. Example of people as media is this blog, because before I share this or wrote the blog it shared also of my classmates or our reporter on that meeting that's why I shared also this information for those who read this my blog while the peole in media they are the people who knows first the information or the situation and they share to the readers, example of this are the news reporter, DJ etc. 
       We can use our self as midel of this 2 types of media if we have an good information all about that things and we have knowledge or knows everything.


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