Media and Information Sources, New Media and Media Convergence, Current and Future Trend of Media Information Reflection

Media and Information Sources, New Media and Media Convergence, Current and Future Trend of Media and Information 

Media and Information Sources

  We can get an information through in our environment and it helps us to know everything from generalization. Media and information sources it resource that serves as a means of communicating to a general, public audience and it's important because the medium in which we receive a message shapes the message.
   Usually there are soures that guide us to know what types of sources is that; primary, secondary and tertiary sources. For this media and information sources shows to me that there a lot of sources that can I use to get an information on any parts of comunication and things that I encountered such on primary sources it contains of original written works – poems, diaries, court records, interviews, surveys, and original research/fieldwork, and research published in scholarly/academic journals. Secondary sources it's reference materials – dictionaries, encyclopedias, textbooks, and books and articles that interpret, review, or sythesize original research/fieldwork and Tertiary sources it's also include the indexes, abstracts, database etc. that ahow the level of sources.

 New Media and Media Convergence

   Media is a refference source of people who use and enter or involving the interconnection of information and communications technologies. From development of communication through the hands of new media and how it works to transform in our society.
   New media and media convergence shows the transformation of media from old to new, even it hane an ongoing process that should not be viewed as a displacement of the old media, but rather as interaction between different media forms and platforms and it not change what really a media have. All could have an on process media to have make an new anh more high technology or media.

Current and Future Trend of Media and Information

   Nowadays, people create new things out of their ideas and creative mind knowing that it will be popular and it will make a trend. Especially in today’s generation, a simple invention will lead to a bigger and popular one thanks to social media and technology, we can’t stop the trends because it will be widely spread on the internet. 
  In much of creativity and inventory of people on technology may be all things are can may do without to much effort and having a knowledge of doing something it helps to more improve what media we have now. It's exciting in our level because we all know it's a big things that we use when that time comes, and may be after how many years all the difficult things can happen in easy way to use or access in any kind using media. ]
